I believe everyone has an “Attitude” and that attitude is a window to the soul.
Mornings are my favorite time of day, but why? Well, the morning holds a promise of joy and things to come, the evening brings reflection of struggles that brought joy and perhaps a discontented and joyless day. The coming day is always filled with hope, mornings are never a disappointment, rather a hope for joy.
What a week! We worked very hard and got so much done, we still have a long way to go. Just to recap the week:
Monday & Tuesday were set into play for the preparation of Wednesday… A friend from church loaned us his scaffolding on Sunday and we set it up Monday, Tuesday was more prep… and finally Wednesday… As I struggled to find hope of success for the day and false discouragement was nipping at my heels, I discovered God’s renewed hope like the first light of daybreak. Noon came with a flow of guys showing up to replace the windows, and it all went so very well. Eleven windows from noon to four or was it five pm. I lost track of the time as my body started to feel the results of the hard work on a hot day but the results are from GOD, like a well tended garden, we can not make the garden grow but we can plant and water the garden.. And today was that day of growth.
With Wednesday behind us, Thursday opened a renewed perspective that led to success, 5 more windows for a total of 16! One more to go in this phase, but this one must wait for the right timing as we have a few other obstacles to deal with to gain access.
Besides a five window day, we had the guys from Northome DAC come over and fill the dumpster with yet another load of junk from the previous era. Four guys that are so happy to have a job, Four guys that understand having purpose and value with the work of their hands!!
At Church we are going through a study on Ecclesiastes, this book of the old testament wisdom literature reminds me that purpose and meaning in life are things to strive after in every situation and season. It reminds me that everything under heaven has a “time”, or perhaps you remember it a “season”… Either way, you may remember it, most folks recognize it as a song… But is it true? “A time for love and a time for hate?” The day after Donald Trump was shot, do we still believe there is a time for HATE? If you understand hating evil in this world then you do believe there is a time for HATE… I hate that the man behind Trump died, I hate that I see people suffering, or killing their children… I hate everyday, But that doesn’t mean I hate the person that shot and killed an innocent man that was in the line of fire, nor should you.
You see, it makes me so sad that another person can only find hate in their heart that they would wish for another person to die, yes, I said wish… not even try to kill another person but rather to wish harm on another person… we are all created in the image of our creator and so hating another person is kin to hating oneself, as we are all in the image of God, we are not GOD nor will we ever be GOD… yet there it is, “A time to hate”
All things in the proper order… We couldn’t install windows until first the old windows were carefully removed and the correct preparations were made, to allow for the next “TIME” to happen… “A time to install windows and a time to remove windows”
So I leave you with this note: A time to die and a time to be born… Although this man behind Trump was devalued by the shooter to the point the shooter didn’t care about collateral damage, that man is loved and missed forever. I don’t know all the details, but I do know this.. There is a time for every purpose under heaven and we should never waste the time given to us, we can never purchase our wasted time back and reuse it for good!
Thank you for all the help with windows this week and let me not fail to mention the guy that started making the old stairs and deck disappear before somebody got killed using them… more about this another day.
God Bless and may His hand guide your steps today.