JOY : a feeling of great pleasure or happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a sense of well-being : gladness.
Have you ever sat and thought? Perhaps in a tree stand? A duck blind? A boat? Taking a drive? How big is this statement? “JOY COMETH” but not before weeping through the night. My translation says “shouts of joy comes in the morning”
Take some time to ponder what it means: “Joy cometh in the morning” it’s not some catchy phrase that should be tossed out to show we are reverent, or to appeal to a demographic of bible readers. Or to show others how optimistic we are…. This is a Christian Psalm, out of the bible and not some sweet little sound bite… AND may I add, I don’t really care who proof texts to make a point, it’s wrong wrong wrong! With that said, it’s hard to not proof text entirely, the bible has some amazing texts that can be used to “prove your point” BUT that doesn’t make it right… look at the verse in Jeremiah, “I know the plans I have for you… to prosper” this is not a promise to make you rich, never was, never will be! EVER!!! (maybe one day I should write about the false prosperity Gospel being preached)
This joy is not a celebration over defeating a human in some twisted contest of name bashing, nor is it a celebration over your personal political ideology in some popularity contest… this is simply joy after God’s chastening for your disobedience to his word, how ironic! This joy is from God, not earthly contests of witt!
So I recommend you do a simple thing, stop counting how often you “pray” and obey the Lord by “praying without ceasing” not counting to make sure you pray everyday and sometimes twice… pray continually, giving thanks, for this is the will of God!
Now, while you are out in the duck blind, in the tree stand or sitting over a barrel of sweets, waiting for that perfect moment in time to manifest in front of your eyes… open your eyes and see the undeniable brilliance of the creation you are in, recognize the splendor of uniformity among the leaves, notice how gravity is applied perfectly to make the hydraulic cycle work in the exact way it needs to, watch the sunrise in perfect predictability and give thanks to the creator that he made you with the intent and love that can not be denied.