From time to time, I need a reminder of the GOODNESS of GOD… why? Well, it’s simple, I am a selfish creature and I like to be the center of the world with everything around me serving my every desire… oh, you think you are different? Think about this… You disagree, by very definition you have decided you are different, which means you believe you are different… ME, ME, ME Like agent smith from the Matrix.
Doesn’t our self-narrative of being different simply show we are serving ourselves? Providing and giving ourselves a different narrative? Or maybe climb up on top of our mountain and proclaim, “I can objectively state I am different because I have a perfect knowledge of myself!” …. You, see? No matter how we slice the cake, it comes right back to “Me” & “I” statements. My challenge to you (and myself) is to stop putting yourself, your narrative and your life ahead of others and become fully self-sacrificial… it’s impossible, if you are being honest.
The lyrics of a great song are listed below. I don’t give “credits” of this song, nor do I claim credits, in the end, this seems like some crazy hangup in this world. Like sources always need to be cited to be credible in a statement. Like somehow, citing credits gives truth more value, because you can name an authority… Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s. Give the claim of goodness to God.
Life is easy, when you’re up on the mountain
And you’ve got peace of mind, like you’ve never known
But things change, when you’re down in the valley
Don’t lose faith, for you’re never alone
(I could almost hear you sing, let’s try again)
(That was a little better)
Ok, let’s turn the table, have you ever thought this:
Your life is so easy, you really have nothing to complain about.
You are so blessed, don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth.
You didn’t have a rough childhood, you had it so easy.
Why are you such a Debbie downer?
Statements like these are seldom placed on the “mirror of self-reflection”. They nearly exclusively prove how another person doesn’t measure up… how often do we self-reflect on how much we think about ourselves? Putting ourselves at the center of our world? Think about a person that thinks of themself nearly all the time. This person seemingly can only see the world as “what can I get?” or “what do I deserve?” or maybe “How does this benefit me?” It’s difficult to live with this type of person! It’s even more difficult to constantly serve this type of person and never feel some need and desire for self-preservation, at least at some level… What if I am this person? What if you are this person?
What does it mean to “Be more God-like?” For God so loved the world that he gave…. In the beginning, God created…. The two greatest examples of God’s selfless character displayed in scripture show “Selfless giving”. God created from nothing, all that exists. God giving from himself the only son… sacrifice is a Godly thing, and giving is how we find value in ourselves. A focus on self is the pathway to anxiety, depression and a tortured soul.
Al may not be able to “give” Jess and myself much of anything. In fact, he demands form us a 24-7 stream of attention, provision, supply & purpose. We find we are constantly giving, answering the same questions 100 times (I am not joking), providing direction, reminders every meal (how to not spill food, set the table, wipe the table… endlessly at every meal) Supplying all that he has, wants and needs…. A constant flow out of ourselves and to him, like an ever-consuming fire that is never satisfied… BUT WAIT, what does Al give us? He gives us an endless resource to give to! He is somebody in need. In him we find joy and meaning in life by putting ourselves second. (Jess has perfected this, I’m still learning) My sweet mother showed me many years ago “You cannot out give God”… reflect on that a second. You can’t out give God…
This leads me to our big reveal, our next chapter in life. This big reveal that some folks already know about, but others may only suspect something is going on, and still others will simply state “YOU are CRAZY”. This will certainly earn our name “LivingHazzardously”
My next blog post is a post YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS!!! Jess and I have been working on a plan that we are hoping will come to play out and truly start on or before April 29.
Did I mention:
Follow us as we kick off our calling from God and start a new chapter in living for others! Giving our Time, Talent and Touch. Please lift us in prayer as we wait for the Lord.
May the Lord bless you this day as you find value in serving others.
James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
I will be praying. Always an adventure with the Hazzards