Sam’s Place needs your help! I don’t want to sound desperate, but winter is not that far away. You can help Sam’s Place get a new roof! You can make the difference to somebody who needs your help.
As it turns out we had a surprise with the roof, without being able to perform an intrusive inspection (peeling back the “repairs” it was ugly looking, but reality is, it was hidden) we were left to think the repairs were ugly but usable for at least a couple years… The truth is the “repairs” made the roof unusable and NOT REPAIRABLE.
We immediately started a fundraiser for the roof, but we still have a long way to go.
We are still focusing on reopening ASAP, but this roof issue will set us back months or longer without some financial help…
Our original hope “was” to reopen in only a few weeks, but we quickly determined that it would take months… We still moved forward, trusting that God was and still is leading this mission. Sam’s Place needs you.
Today we got the bill for the electrical upgrades needed to get insurance and provide a safe electrical distribution system. This will serve us today and well into the future. It was higher (a lot higher) than we had hoped. We found an electrical panel had caught fire and the breakers were “by-passed”. I am pretty sure this was in response to the electric heaters put into play because the boiler was dead. That was the first part of the building that lost its heat because of the boiler failure. The upgrades look great, and it allows us to replace 1938 fuse technology with circuit breakers and eliminate the power panel from one more bedroom into a common space.
I hauled my dump trailer to the dump, it’s now empty and ready for helpers tomorrow to clean up the yard waste and some tree trimmings. I will be installing the new “Sam’s Place” sign out front and removing the old name, I guess it’s called “rebranding” I call it “Sam’s Place”
I am meeting with yet another inspector tomorrow, I pray it goes well, I am feeling a bit discouraged right about now.
We got our broiler chickens into the brooder, our feeder pigs are coming here on Thursday, and we are blessed beyond measure, but a bit tired, I guess. On a side note, why is it every year it takes two days of fence repair before I can bring home the pigs, seems odd to me, oh and don’t forget to fix the water supply either.
As always, May the Lord bless you on this day.