Progress is being made but not at breakneck speeds!
I hear whistles from the moaning Allis Chalmers, as I drag the driveway, out to the pavement, turn around, drag it back… over and over grading gravel from the edges to the middle, heaping it up and creating a crown. Whistles from the spring tine rake, as we pull it around digging and scratching. Whistles from the brush hog, as it beats and spits the saplings and grass around the edges of overgrown fields.
I hear whistles from the toilet as it refills, just after I notice the water running down the foundation due to a toilet flange that was installed with nails. Whistles from the new discovery of water from our now “off limits” bathroom in the basement due to a leak that requires a complete demo of the basement bathroom to fix it.
I hear whistles from the truck as we travel into Duluth to pick agates from the shore. Whistles from the car’s brakes, as they remind me the time draws near to make them new again. Whistles from the trailer, as we cruise home with a load of insulated glass doors for a future green house.
I hear whistles from the bobcat as it scrapes the ground in a nearly feeble attempt to move the dirt I am commanding it to move when I move the pedals and levers.
Yes, whistles while you work. This takes me back in time to my youth when I would do my father’s will every summer by “building, rebuilding and un-building” the patio. Fixing, replacing and building new fences to block the neighborhood from my father’s piles of “stuff” in our back yard, so the city inspector doesn’t write us up again. Mowing, gardening, shoveling dirt through the sifter screens. Stacking, re-stacking and moving granite blocks… again and again! All the while, I would WHISTLE, every tune I could remember, some I made up and some just to be annoying to my work partner and younger brother, Sam. My father would yell at me with colorful expletives to shut up (I was never allowed to whistle when he was around), but my mind would wander to some far away place filled with mystery and wonder! A place with trees, rivers, camping and beauty beyond measure! Never in my life would I have thought my dreams would come true… to live in this magical place with such a great help-mate as Jess. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my father and he loved me, but the way his love was shown me did not resemble love to most people when seen, BUT I know his back story, I know from whence he came . The horrible world of his youth that brought him to where he was and how much worse it could have been for me. My father made leaps and bounds to “man-up” and be a better dad. So much more than that which was his. My father gave me more than he had and in turn, I give more to my boys. I hope these young men I call “sons” can see they have so much more than what was even available to be given to my father and in turn to me. My hope is they can continue this pattern for their children. Yes, my childhood was difficult, hard and even tragic! But my childhood is not my excuse, nor is it “more than I could bear” because God had plans for me. So I would whistle, all the time I would whistle.
The next time you hear a whistle, remember : God’s love is bigger than our circumstances, Bigger than our problems and better than what we can do for ourselves.
So, today, WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK! Give thanks in ALL things because this is God’s plan for you… To bless you, we just don’t know how the story ends, but neither did Job, and in all this, Job remained faithful.
I covet your prayers in this Area: wisdom and strength to continue doing God’s will and to sing a new song (or whistle a new song).