It has been almost a month since we started the Hazzardous Adventure. Al and I are settling in nicely. There is not a day that I don’t look around and marvel at the beauty of the land and the brightness of the stars and the almost eerie quiet. There is nothing that I do not like about living on the edge of the wilderness, as this community is often referred to, except being so far from my hubby, family and friends. Charlie and Jacob are on their way home for the weekend right now and I can’t wait to hear them driving up the incredibly muddy and rutted driveway.
Updates of Hazzard Life – We are thankful that Jacob is recovered from Salmonella and back at school and work. The antibiotics did the trick. I am anxious to hear more about his trip to Haiti and all that he learned and experienced.
Things have settled down for Sam. He returned to school on Monday after meeting with the administration, and we are grateful that there have been no further incidents. We received an outpouring of support from friends, family and even strangers and are so appreciative.
I am working on the second phase of paperwork for getting licensed to do adult foster care. We are getting closer! In the meantime, we are doing some updates on our home starting with the half story, which will eventually be our bedroom, office and half-bath. New kitchen cabinets will be picked up this weekend, and I will be working on painting them next week. Totally new experience for me, so if you have any tips, feel free to pass them along!
We would appreciate prayer for the licensing process to go smoothly and quickly. We know that there is a person out there who is waiting for a new home, and we can’t wait to welcome him into our family.
Well, that is it for now. Just a quick update.
God bless and much love!